Monday, September 1, 2014

Heightening the Injustices

Pilar Ossorio stated that there are more genetic similarities between people of different racial groups than those of people within the same racial group and with evidence presented in the first episode of "Race: The Power of Illusion," it was hard to disagree. one of the students from the episode who compared his DNA with his classmates it was evident that he could have a 100% match with someone from the Balkans or from Africa than he would with someone who would be from Ukraine, which is where the young mans great-great-great grandmother was from. This type of evidence proves that race is not genetically created, but rather sociologically created. The idea on race and what is means is inherited. Since the beginning of time many people used race as an excuse for why non-whites tended to be worse off than whites. 

We as a society push the belief that Blacks are on a downward spiral and claim that is because of their race. When in reality all races would have the same statistical reasoning if every race were made out to be the outcast. Even though the evidence provided clarification that there was no drastic gene difference between different races, statisticians like Frederick Hoffman still fabricated stories that there was a difference. The studies that proved African Americans like Jesse Owens do not have an additional gene or any type of genetic mutation that would make them able to run faster or jump higher than those athletes of another race were still ignored and overshadowed by the studies claiming otherwise. Race is a social construct designed to allow one group of people to succeed, while everyone else struggles to stay alive. This truth is something not many people, especially Americans are ready to grasp and so the idea of race being based off genetics continues to circle within society. For most its easier to claim it is genetics than admit that this hierarchy was created by man. Having different views and educating oneself on all history, the good and bad, will allow one to form their own truth about race and racism. 

From a very young age I never considered myself white. By looks, yes I do fit under the white category. I, however, identify as Bosnian, it is what makes me who I am. My culture is everything to me. Speaking that different language and knowing the dances and coming together as a unit over a traditional meal (refer to the image below) is the best feeling imaginable.

I personally do not identify as white, but for the sake of making it less confusing on others I allow myself to fall under the white category. 

This episode has reassured me that genes have nothing to do with race. For as long as I can remember I have known that my genes can be more similar to a stranger who passes me on the street than to someone who is from the same culture as me. Although I've had that view for a while it was not always that way. It wasn't until one of my history courses my sophomore year that I was exposed to the truth. It was my teacher who showed me the truth and I urge many others to not believe that what is written in a textbook to be the whole truth. The general public needs to expose themselves to such films as the one we have viewed and realize that race was created by man and designed to promote the white race. Along with being informed, people need to realize that white supremacy is still alive today. Unfortunately the public tends to follow what the government and media consider the truth, leaving themselves oblivious to what is truly going on. 

Even though, scientists are unable to find a genetic basis for social ideas of racial differences it manages to persist due to the fact that it remains beneficial for the majority. Many people claim racism does not exist and act as if they do not see race, but this action is what makes it evident that racism does exist. Those at the top of our society today are white. Being white is what has gotten them to the top, so of course they wouldn’t want to change that. Since these people, in a sense, control what the public sees, race remains persistent. The idea and construct of race can always be found within commercials and advertisements if analyzed thoroughly. We as a community are continuously exposed to racism without even realizing it and so it persists throughout generations.


  1. Thanks for sharing your reflections. Why do you think people continue to rely on racial categories? What do the readings tell us about that?

  2. This is a great blog response, I strongly agree with your point of view regarding why racism persists. Those at the top are white and are the ones who benefit from saying that racism doesn't exist.
