Monday, September 22, 2014

Jacob the sidekick and savage man.....

The movie series Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse demonstrates many scenes and parts where Jacob and his family portray Native Americans. Throughout the series Jacob Black is in love with Bella Swan, whom Bella is in love with Edward Cullen, a vampire. Jacob and his wolf pack tell stories about their ancestry and many times these scenes show stereotypical Native American qualities such as sitting around the bonfire sharing stories. In Eclipse, the tribe leader is an elderly wise man who is there to protect their tribe. During a particular scene Jacob’s tribe, Quileute and its leader share stories at a bonfire explaining how they have magic in their blood and are warriors at heart, especially when it comes to protecting their tribe. They explain how they used their warrior skills to become wolves. In one occasion it was to defend their tribe from a white man who was cold as ice (vampire).  I felt that this scene displayed many historical events such as colonization and stereotypes, that Native to become savages. In Twilight, Jacob displays the stereotypical characteristics like long hair, timid guy, helpful and naïve. However, in New Moon he displays the savage stereotype when he defends Bella and fights another wolf, demonstrating that he will even fight his own kind for love.  I feel that there is also the doomed warrior throughout the series just because Jacob tries hard to defend, fight and protect Bella from other Vampires when in fact she only cares about Edward. Even after she marries Edward, he is still there for Bella as her sidekick.  Over the years Hollywood has made Native Americans be portrayed in a
way Americans want to see them as, like savages and uncivilized people. These movies that Hollywood has created portray stereotypes and reinforce them by shaping the way people see Native Americans.  Movies representation of Native Americans serves to justify the social marginalization their culture by not showing accurate representations of natives. Media such as movies and television make Natives Americans seem savage for defending their land, family or love. I feel that Hollywood's inaccurate representation of natives has made people think that the movies are the way Native Americans think, act and live. I feel that Hollywood has made people lose their ability to think openly about different cultures.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. people will always believe what they see on the silver screen. all races and nations are effected by this. The way they portray races in movies they're modified to fit their opinion of whats good or what looks better in order to make the most of their movie.
